Most high is the One who revealed this criterion: the statute,

to His servant, so that he can serve as a warner to the whole world.

[Verse 25:1]



The Quran, although the first recipients were the residents of Arabia, is guidance for the whole world with the history of the Children of Israel featuring prominently as a lesson for all mankind. As mentioned in verse 2:40 the Children of Israel made a covenant with God and attested it with the words  “We hear and we obey”. In the following verses up to verse 2:44, God is calling them to accept the Quran and they should not confound the truth with falsehood nor conceal the truth knowingly. They are commanded to uphold their commitments and keep them pure. This clearly shows that the Quran was meant not only for the Arabs but for entire mankind, including the Children of Israel. However, the Children of Israel broke their covenant and failed to keep their promise to serve God. As noted in verse 2:93, they defiantly declared: ‘We hear but do not obey.’


The Quran addresses all mankind but its message is revealed only to those who receive God’s mercy, and it is for the individual to ignite that compassion by taking steps to seek the truth. The majority may not even realise this as they begin to understand and make the distinction between truth and falsehood [verse 2:185] – however, when you accept God’s guidance you are taught by Him to declare “We hear and we obey.” [verse 2:285] as a covenant between servant and Master. It is reasonable to say that it is a duty upon the servants to commit themselves totally to what is revealed by Him in His book as a way of life to attain harmony within His System, and furthermore this commitment must be kept pure at all times. As an inaugurating supplication to seek God’s protection, the example in verse 2:286 is an excellent way to affirm this.


As you continue your study of the Quran you are reminded in verse 5:1 not to break your covenant with God and in verse 5:3 individuals are told by God that: “This day, I have perfected your Deen, the established Order, perfected My favours upon you and I have decreed for you harmony in the System of this Deen-Islam.” The word ‘you‘ here is actually addressed to all individuals.


As we continue reading His sanctions in 5:4 and 5:5, the next verse 5:6 begins with an instruction of a simple cleansing process, this not only symbolizes our willingness to commit ourselves to His decreed ­­way of life, but for physical and spiritual cleanliness in preparation for our daily commitments. The Quran also mentions in the same verse that God wishes no hardship for you – He wishes to cleanse you so that He can complete His favours upon you  – so that you may become appreciative of His favours in perfecting the harmonious way of life for you.


In verse 5:7, a strong and clear message is given: “Remember God’s favours upon you and the promise that He makes with you, and say: ‘We hear and we obey.’ You shall follow God’s guidance, God is fully aware of your innermost thoughts.” It’s also important to note that in verse 5:1 God says “Fulfil your promises.” – and in 5:7 again the Quran says: “You shall follow God’s guidance.”


The Quran is in fact a document of your covenant and promise with God.[1]


[1]Covenant with God: see verse 2:285. Obedience an obligation 24:53. Blueprint for success: 22:15. Contract with God: 9:111. Knowledge priori / conscience 7:172. Pledging allegiance to God 48:10.