Can we free ourselves from the chains we revere?
Religion enslaves the mind, body and soul – it keeps people from experiencing the reality of our unity as the human race and instead teaches division.
Does humanity have the courage to question its own belief about God? What if something very important that people think they know about God is wrong?
Human beings do not like to admit having made any mistake, especially a mistake on which their entire society is based. It is much easier to ignore than accept the error and change the whole social construct.
In life everyone is subject to accepted social norms of their community and it is these that too few people choose to question – even if blind following brings their destruction. Most people simply refuse to question their most basic assumptions and beliefs. Aidid Safar shows how Muslims have been affected by this grave error and where they have gone wrong, but the principle applies to all those devoted to a religion of one kind or another. This books is a reading for none but the brave.
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